Sunday, June 6, 2010


We went to visit some camels last Friday. Nate drives by these camels every day to and from work, and was never really sure why they were there on the side of the road. There are several "stations" each with their own camels and tents. After stopping to see the camels, we learned that the men who own the camels sell their milk and that is how they make their living. They are desert people, or bedouins, and live very simply. Tavis had a great time visiting the camels, and Nate had a taste of the milk. He said it was actually very good.

**I just noticed the same picture is in this post twice. Just more for you to enjoy! :)**

Breakfast in Style

Yeah, I think the pictures say it all!

Helping Daddy

Just another post about how helpful Tavis is. Every morning he likes to make sure I make Nate's coffee just right. He will then sit and have breakfast with his dad. As soon as Nate is out of the shower and getting dressed, Tavis will run and get his dad's boots. He of course then has to help dad put them on!!