Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grandma's Quilt.

This is Kristin's favorite quilt that she grew up using at her Grandma Gust's house. Kristin is now lucky enough to be able to use it to cuddle up with Tavis.

Grandpa's (and Mom's) Birthday.

Today is Tavis' Grandpa Gust's birthday (and Kristin's)! We were sad that we were not able to be in Elko with our family, but were still able to have a fun day. We had beautiful weather for church this morning, and it rained pretty hard for a while this afternoon. It has been just perfect this evening.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tummy Time

Crazy Face!

Tavis seems to have 101 facial never know what you are going to get!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

5 Months!!

Tavis is 5 months old today, and for some reason that is hard for me to believe! We just can't get over how smart and beautiful this little boy is. He truly is the best thing that has ever happened to us. He is also sitting up by himself now! He has been doing it for awhile supporting himself, but last night was playing with his glow worm and sitting all by himself like the big boy that he is. We are so proud of him!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008


We were able to go fishing yesterday morning, and even though Tavis slept through most of it, Nathan got a few real good bites. The drive was beautiful, and it was nice for all of us to be outside. It is a good thing we decided to go early in the morning, as there were tornado warnings yesterday afternoon along with some crazy thunderstorms. We are hoping to go again next weekend. We would have liked to go today, but woke up late and had just enough time to get to church.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pink Eye

Tavis continues to grow both physically and mentally every day. We love watching him figure things out, and of course, he enjoys his books more and more each day. He is not yet crawling, but scoots himself across the floor. I think he gets frustrated that he can't yet walk - he hates being stationary and depending on us to move him around. Kristin has pink eye this week, so we have been washing our hands even more than usual. Nathan and Tavis don't have it, and we hope it stays that way! Tavis' brother Bo will be spending part of the weekend with us and we are looking forward to going fishing. As long as there are no tornado or flood warnings, we should be able to have a good time.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tavis loves.....

He loves his teddy bear,

the Cowboys,
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,

and his Auntie.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Tavis was born into a family of readers. His Grandpa Gust read to him all summer, and we are lucky enough to live very close to a library here in Colorado. Kristin got her library card before getting a Colorado drivers license! We try to visit the library at least twice each week. We are hoping that Tavis will enjoy reading even more as he gets older.

Friday, August 15, 2008


It has been a busy summer! We have moved, Tavis was baptized in the same church his mom and great grandma were, and he has doubled in size! Tavis and Kristin were lucky enough to be able to spend a month in Elko and Tavis loved being able to see his grandparents, aunts and uncles every day. He has also travelled through several states including Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska. We feel so blessed to have such a beautiful boy.


As you know, Tavis was born March 26, 2008, and has been a wonder ever since. We now live in Colorado, which is nice because Tavis is able to see his brother Bo more than he did living in Nevada. We hope to use this blog to keep our family updated on Tavis so they can enjoy him as much as we do!